Media Kit

Our Media Kit is thoughtfully curated, packed with a treasure trove of assets that will help you tell our story with precision. Whether you're looking for high-resolution images, facts about our spoke people, or insightful videos, you'll find it all in one convenient place. We've made sure that accessing our Media Kit is as seamless as possible. It's designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to swiftly find the content you need.


Mineral Blue


RGB 72/162/174

Ocean Blue

HEX #005A78

RGB 0/90/120

Dark Blue

HEX #052535

RGB 5/37/53

Egg Shell White


RGB 255/253/228

Off White


RGB 235/240/240

Graphics & Gradients

Headshots & Biographies

Coming soon

Contact us

To get in touch with the Press Team at Concordium, please fill out the contact form with your press inquiry