The roadmap is a dynamic plan that will regularly be updated to meet the needs of users and builders.

Concordium’s Roadmap

Currently, Concordium is fostering a Minimum Viable Ecosystem through a hyper-focused effort to identify, enhance, and promote the features that can interplay to create a self-sustainable blockchain ecosystem with positive network effects.

Q4 2024

Expand on network tools to improve network user experience and robustness, while launching products for the next generation of online identity.

Revamped browser wallet

Web wallet with new look and a developer-mode Ledger integration


Build/release pipelines for DApps

Make sample DApps easy to build and release for developers


Scalable airdrop framework

Release an open source framework for anti-fraud reward distributions


Network analysis tools

Upgraded tools for analysis and tracking of blockchain activity for optimal observability


CryptoX wallet v2.1

CryptoX wallets with smoother onboarding, enhanced ID suite, and improved design


Revamp CCDScan

CCDScan backend rewrite to ensure service quality and easier onboarding of external contributors.


Mainnet load testing

To ensure ongoing network robustness, Concordium will continue a series of distributed production speed tests.



In the next phase, Concordium will focus on scaling its existing ecosystem and network, while increasing adoption of its flagship ID solutions through partnerships and collaborations.

Public node API

Public gateway for Concordium blockchain interactions


Delightful Developer Experiences

continue building on the solid foundations for developer tools, resources, and support


Expose & expand ID layer

Integrate Concordium’s suite of Identity infrastructure in the next generation of internet technologies and services


Portable compliance passports

integrate Concordium’s identity service layers for widespread and appropriate compliance checks, keeping privacy and user-protection at its core


Robust, scalable network

Relying on proven consensus technologies, Concordium will continue its scaling efforts


Private transactions

by using innovative privacy technology, Concordium will launch privacy services that protects account-holders, while ensuring regulatory compliance


Bring $CCD closer to external communities

Ensure that $CCD token is available in the places where the Web3 communities spend their time


Inactive staker penalty

Improve robustness of validator node network through incentives


Staker penalty

Improve staker node robustness through incentives


Light node

Release a snapshot node for fast catch-up easier node setup



Currently, focus on building a Minimum Viable Ecosystem. Hyper-focused effort to identify, enhance, and promote the features that can interplay to create a self-sustainable blockchain ecosystem with positive network effects.

Updated wallet suite for mobile

CryptoX wallets with faster onboarding

Zero-Knowledge ID Verification on mobile

Using ZK to verify ID attributes (Age, Nationality,etc) on mobile without revealing actual data

iOS & Android SDKs

Swift/Java SDKs making it easier for developers to integrate Concordium into their services

Umbrella oracle

Data feeds for smart contracts on Concordium

Tricorn bridge

Cross-chain bridge to Ethereum and Polygon from Boosty Labs

Chaperone standard

An extension of the Sponsored Transaction standard defining how to build smart contracts that allow non-native users to get limited access to the network through a native chaperone

Factory pattern

A variant of Solidity’s factory pattern for Concordium making it easier for developers to port over contracts from Ethereum

Track & Trace framework

Open source backend/frontend that track & trace apps can tweak for their specific context

Low-code real-world asset tokenization framework

UI to create RWA tokens without need for much code-writing

CryptoX wallet v2.0

CryptoX wallets with news feed and push notifications

Concurrent unstaking

Update cooldown logic to allow parallel unstaking

Improved CompanyID

Smoother company onboarding with Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI) and broader coverage

Publish node images

Ready-to-use Concordium nodes available in AWS marketplace

Protocol 7

Concurrent cooldown, cheaper smart contract transactions, and final sunset of shielding feature.

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